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General Health

Mr. Ivo Gwanmesia | Plastic Surgeon London

Mr Ivo Gwanmesia is a Plastic, Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Craniofacial Surgeon based in London. He trained both in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. In his Central London Practice, he offers a wide range of Plastic Surgery procedures, aesthetic and reconstructive. He also specialises in deformities of the skull and the face. Some of the procedures that he offers inclde rhinoplasty, facelift, genioplasty, browlift, eyelid surgery and necklift. Others include breast augmentation, breast uplift, breast reduction and body contouring surgery.

He is also involved with Charity Work where he specialises in the treatment of infants with facial deformities.

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+44-20-7474-1300  UK phone number
UK (London) based business providing reconstructive and craniofacial surgeries. Website includes details of surgeries and treatments provided, work examples, testimonials, certifications gained, associations belonged to, media and press mentions, blog, full contact details. reviewer
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Navigating the complications of Facelift Surgery
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