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General Health

RocklandMD, Surgery & Medicine Montreal

Latest videos by

Centre de chirurgie RocklandMD

published on 3 June 2020 by

RocklandMD Surgery Centre

published on 16 December 2019 by

A deeper dive into

Common questions asked about

1. What services does Rockland MD offer?

Rockland MD offers a range of medical services, including a medical clinic, a day surgery center, and a minor surgery center. They also provide services to businesses and hospitals.

2. How can I make an appointment?

To make an appointment, you can call Rockland MD at 514 667-3383. They will assist you in scheduling a convenient time for your visit.

3. What is the purpose of the COVID-19 screening clinic?

The COVID-19 screening clinic at Rockland MD is specifically for individuals who need to be tested for the virus. Appointments are required for this service to ensure efficient and safe testing procedures.

4. Can I have a family doctor at Rockland MD?

Yes, Rockland MD has family doctors available to provide primary care services. Having a family doctor allows for continuity of care and personalized medical attention.

5. How can I contact Rockland MD for further information?

If you have any further questions or need additional information, you can contact Rockland MD by calling their phone number or by using the contact form on their website. Their team will be happy to assist you.

Some reasons to choose

Clinique médicale

The company operates a clinic that provides medical services to patients. This includes general check-ups, vaccinations, and treatment for common illnesses.

Centre de chirurgie d'un jour

The company has a facility dedicated to performing same-day surgeries. This allows patients to undergo necessary procedures without the need for overnight hospital stays.

Centre de chirurgie mineure

In addition to major surgeries, the company also offers a center specifically for minor surgical procedures. This provides convenience for patients who require minor interventions.

Services aux entreprises

The company offers services tailored to meet the needs of businesses. This can include pre-employment medical exams, occupational health assessments, and workplace injury management.

Services aux hôpitaux

The company provides specialized services to hospitals, supporting their medical operations. This can include consulting, staffing, and assistance with specific medical procedures.
telephone Telephone
Canadian (Montreal) based clinic providing a range of surgery procedures including hernia repair, vasectomy gastroscopy and coloscopy procedures. Website includes details of procedures provided, testimonials, detailed "meet the team" page, associations, full company contact details. Clinic's website has been online since 2007 according to reviewer
signals of trust found Signals of trust found on website
  • Testimonials found
  • Full company contact address and
    phone number found
  • Associations found
  • Detailed 'Meet the Founder' info found
  • Company website has been online since 2007 according to [via manual review]
  • SSL Website secured by SSL certificate
Information on how we determine signs of trust
key services  Key services/products
Médecin de famille, Urgences mineures, Orthopédie & Médecine sportive, Clinique Endoscopie, Vaccination & Santé voyage, Gynécologie, Urologie, Médecine esthétique, Dermatologie, Test de dépistage cardiologique, Services aux entreprises, Laboratoire médical, Chirurgie
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