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Rejuva | Detox

For the past 7 years, Vivienne has been developing a unique range of food products aimed at restoring and rejuvenating her clients on a deep cellular level, leading to Rejuva|Nutrition, a line of organic plant-based products, formulated with the optimal balance of macro and micro nutrients.

The Internet is heavily populated with companies selling supplementary health products and powders. Many of these products are white labels of the same formula created using low quality ingredients that are cheap to obtain causing adverse effects on the body whilst raising false claims of their efficacy that are not supported through proven results or scientific testing.

The entire range by Vivienne Talsmat is the antithesis of those companies. Ingredients are natural, of high quality, ethically sourced and perfectly balanced in concentration. The carefully construed formulations mean that results are guaranteed in a physical and mental sense. Vivienne has designed systems that promote physical and emotional detox in line with an increased calorie intake of wholesome and nourishing foods that are good for body and soul and loved by everyone that has tried them as evidenced in her sheer volume of testimonials

Weight loss, improved skin tone and boosted energy, vitality, increased positivity and confidence are just some of the benefits any one can expect to see when using the products. Vivienne's extensive knowledge in the health, well being and lifestyle industry means she has perfected the art of constructing personal plans that are easy to follow for any client and ways of treating most health concerns in her daily practise. The products were initially made to compliment her clients but are now available for everyone who doesn't live in London and have the ability to come for a private one to one consult.

Vivienne does not just design and create her products and systems she embodies the essence of what they aim to achieve vitality, youth and optimal health. Using products by Vivienne is a realisation in itself with many customers testifying that it has changed their lives and bodies for the better.

UK based business - established in 1996 - providing natural health supplements. Website includes e-commerce facilities, delivery and returns information, terms and conditions, testimonials, press mentions, FAQs, associations. reviewer
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