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Health Insurance

Medical Aid Quotes

IFCIndependent Financial Consultants (IFC) have created the online medical aid quotes site to provide consumers with a means to evaluate the availability &scope of medical aid schemes offered by medical aids in South Africa.

To this end the website provides the following tools and resources:

Medical Aid Quotes

As the website's name suggest, medical aid quotes are the primary service offered by IFC. Consumers can contact IFC staff and request quotes and information on any number of South African medical aid providers and medical aid schemes. The IFC medical aid quotes staff then assists consumers in finding the best possible plan for their individual health requirements and budgets.

Medical Aid IFC website provides exhaustive reviews of the top South African medical aids. All reviews include details on chronic disease coverage, special benefits, information on individual schemes, Global Credit Ratings, and more. Amongst the providers reviewed Discovery HealthDiscovery Health

Discovery Health Medical Aid is South Africa's biggest and most established health insurance company. IFC provides details on the over 18 different medical aid schemes offered by Discovery Bonitas Medical FundBonitas

Bonitas Medical Fund is the second biggest health insurance provider in South Africa. IFC offers detailed information on the 56 different medical aid schemes offered by FedhealthFedhealth

Fedhealth Medical Aid is amongst the oldest medical aids in South Africa. The Independent Financial Consultants site provides a comprehensive review of the provider including details on its 7 health Genesis Medical AidGenesis Medical Scheme

Genesis Medical Scheme is one of the more recent providers to enter the South African health insurance market. IFC supplies details on all 4 of the company's schemes in its extensive review of Ingwe Medical AidIngwe Medical Aid

Ingwe Medical Aid is in actual fact part of the Momentum Health group and is targeted at foreign students coming to study in South Africa. IFC provides details on both of its two schemes in its review of MedshieldMedshield

Medshield is at current the fourth largest health insurance company in South Africa. IFC highlights the various strengths of the provider and offers details on its three different medical Momentum HealthMomentum Health

Momentum Health is the fifth largest medical aid provider in South Africa. The company currently offers five different medical aid schemes, all of which are included in IFC's Momentum Health Resolution HealthResolution Health
Resolution Health is a financially stable medical aid in South Africa. As with all other providers above IFC offers a detailed review of the company including details on its range of 5 different medical aid schemes.

Medical Aid Comparison

The medical aid quotes website by IFC features a fully functional tool to instantly compare medical aids and individual medical aid schemes of different providers at: freely accessible tool outlines both in-hospital and out of hospital benefits of all plans compared as well as contributions, application forms and more.

Chronic Cover

IFC's website includes a useful chronic cover search engine. The resource allows consumers to look-up chronic conditions which apply to them and discover which medical aid's and schemes offer coverage for the conditions in question. The search engine is yet another free resource available to all visitors of the website.

Further Information

For further information on Independent Financial Consultants (IFC) visit the website or contact the company by phone or mail at:

(021) 593-3012

733 Voortrekker Road
Unit 3A
Maitland Par
Maitland, 7405

A deeper dive into

Common questions asked about

1. What types of medical aids are available through

Through, you can find a variety of medical aid options to suit your needs and budget. Our experts can help you compare and choose from dozens of schemes offered by major medical aid providers.

2. What is Gap & CoPay cover and how can it limit my liability?

Gap & CoPay cover is a type of insurance that helps limit your financial liability for medical expenses. It covers the difference between what your medical aid pays and the actual cost of treatment, as well as any co-payments required by your medical aid. This can help protect you from unexpected medical costs and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses.

3. Can I get gym benefits through

Yes, offers gym benefits through Discovery Vitality and Momentum Multiply. These programs provide incentives and rewards for leading a healthy lifestyle, including discounted gym memberships, fitness assessments, and access to wellness programs. By participating in these programs, you can improve your overall health and potentially save on medical expenses.

4. What other types of cover are available through

In addition to medical aids and Gap & CoPay cover, also offers other types of cover such as chronic cover and lifestyle benefits. Chronic cover helps cover the costs of ongoing medical conditions, while lifestyle benefits may include benefits for alternative therapies, wellness programs, and preventative care.

5. How can I request a quote through

To request a quote through, simply fill out the contact form on our website or give us a call at 0860 766 942. Our team of experts will gather the necessary information and provide you with personalized quotes from various medical aid providers. This allows you to compare options and make an informed decision about your healthcare coverage.

Some reasons to choose

Expert assistance in finding the perfect medical aid

Our experts are dedicated to helping you find a medical aid that is perfectly suited to your needs and budget. They have extensive knowledge of the different medical aid options available and can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific requirements. With their guidance, you can make an informed decision and choose a medical aid that provides comprehensive coverage and meets your healthcare needs.

Comparison of multiple schemes from major medical aid providers

We offer a convenient platform where you can compare dozens of schemes from all the major medical aid providers. This allows you to easily evaluate the different options available and make an informed decision. By comparing the benefits, costs, and coverage of various schemes, you can choose a medical aid that offers the best value for your money and meets your specific healthcare needs.

Gap and CoPay cover to limit liability

Our company provides Gap and CoPay cover, which helps limit your financial liability for medical expenses. Gap cover is designed to cover the difference between the medical aid rate and the actual cost charged by healthcare providers, ensuring that you are not left with unexpected out-of-pocket expenses. CoPay cover helps cover the portion of medical expenses that you are required to contribute, reducing your financial burden and ensuring that you can access the necessary healthcare services without worrying about excessive costs.

Gym benefits from Discovery Vitality and Momentum Multiply

As a member of our company, you can enjoy gym benefits from Discovery Vitality and Momentum Multiply. These programs offer various incentives and rewards for leading a healthy lifestyle, including discounted gym memberships, cashback on fitness-related purchases, and access to wellness programs and resources. By taking advantage of these gym benefits, you can prioritize your health and well-being while saving money on fitness expenses.
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South African based company providing medical aid quotes and health insurance comparison services. Website includes details of various health insurance options (with comparison tools), full company contact details. reviewer
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