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Himalayan Yoga Institute

The mission of the Himalayan Yoga Institute is to assist you in becoming a highly competent, inspiring, ethical and spiritually evolved yoga teacher, who will be of service to individuals from all walks of life and who will teach the practices with an open heart facilitating deep physical, emotional and spiritual healing in yourself and your students. One of the foremost aims of the Institute is to contribute to the development of a new society, which is based on kindness, compassion, justice and love.The yoga teacher training course offers a scientific, systematic and contemporary approach to Yoga studies, practice and research. Our aim is to impart comprehensive knowledge regarding the physical, intellectual, spiritual and social aspects and effects of Yoga, while allowing you to experiment within your own body, mind and spirit and experience the incredible transformation initiated by the practices for yourself. Expect to be lifted into new realms beyond your limited sense of self and find a love and joy never felt before. Expect an adventurous ride into your inner being. At the end of the training you will be centred, calm, superbly inspired, beaming with joy and empowered to skilfully guide others into the sacred landscape of their bodies, minds, and hearts, and teach powerful, uplifting, and intelligent classes infused with joy. You will receive a high-level technical skill set and cutting edge anatomical education, while at the same time passing through a profound, life-changing, and transformative experience. Our belief is that what makes a great yoga teacher is not only technical skill, but depth of personal experience. The practice of meditation is an important integral part of the training and takes the physical practice into its higher spiritual dimension - the way yoga was originally conceived of. We have developed a training that combines the distinctive and powerful Raja Dhiraja approach to Vinyasa Flow and Hatha with a curriculum grounded in self-discovery, which will bring you into your own unique and resonant depth.

A deeper dive into

Common questions asked about

1. What types of yoga teacher training courses do you offer?

We offer a variety of yoga teacher training courses, including 200-hour and 300-hour programs. Our courses are available in different locations, such as Croatia and South India. We also offer online yoga teacher training courses for those who prefer to learn from the comfort of their own homes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, we have a course that suits your needs and goals.

2. What can I expect to learn from your yoga therapy training?

Our yoga therapy training program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to use yoga as a therapeutic tool. You will learn how to tailor yoga practices to address specific physical and mental health conditions. Our training covers topics such as anatomy, physiology, psychology, and the application of yoga therapy techniques. By the end of the program, you will be equipped to work with individuals and guide them towards improved well-being through yoga.

3. Do you offer yoga retreats?

Yes, we offer rejuvenating yoga retreats in different locations, including Croatia and South India. Our retreats are designed to provide a holistic experience, combining yoga practices, meditation, and relaxation in serene environments. Each retreat is led by experienced teachers who will guide you through transformative practices and help you deepen your connection with yourself and nature. Join us for a rejuvenating retreat and immerse yourself in the beauty of yoga.

4. How can I benefit from practicing yoga with the Himalayan Yoga Institute?

Practicing yoga with the Himalayan Yoga Institute can bring numerous benefits to your life. Our teachings are rooted in ancient yogic wisdom and offer a holistic approach to well-being. Through our practices, you can experience physical strength, flexibility, and improved posture. Additionally, yoga can help reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and enhance mental clarity. Our experienced teachers will guide you on a transformative journey, helping you cultivate self-awareness, inner peace, and a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

5. How can I stay updated with the latest news and offerings from the Himalayan Yoga Institute?

To stay updated with the latest news, offerings, and events from the Himalayan Yoga Institute, you can sign up for Ganga's newsletter on our website. By subscribing, you will receive a free eBook titled '20 Tips on How to Choose a Yoga Teacher Training.' This newsletter will keep you informed about upcoming courses, retreats, and other valuable resources to support your yoga journey. Don't miss out on the opportunity to stay connected with our community and receive valuable insights and inspiration.

Some reasons to choose

Exceptional Teacher with Vast Knowledge

The Himalayan Yoga Institute offers a yoga teacher training program led by Ganga, an exceptional teacher with vast knowledge of both theory and practical aspects of yoga in its original and best form. Students can benefit from Ganga's expertise and guidance to deepen their understanding of yoga.

Lifestyle Coaching at Physical and Mental Level

This yoga teacher training program goes beyond just teaching yoga techniques. It provides a comprehensive lifestyle coaching that encompasses both the physical and mental aspects of yoga. Students can expect to gain valuable insights and practices that can enhance their overall well-being.

Expanded Knowledge of Yoga Philosophy

Through the course, students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of yoga philosophy, including Tantra and Bhagavad Gita. This deep dive into the philosophical aspects of yoga can enrich their practice and understanding of the ancient tradition.

Comprehensive Curriculum

The curriculum of the yoga teacher training program covers a wide range of topics, including asanas, pranayama, and meditation. It is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of different types of modern yoga practices. Students can expect to gain a well-rounded education in yoga.

Personalized and Supportive Learning Environment

Despite being an online course, Ganga creates a personalized and supportive learning environment for her students. She guides them with warmth and kindness throughout the course and beyond. Students can feel connected and supported as they embark on their yoga teacher training journey.

Meet the Team

👤Ganga Devi

Position: Founder
Ganga Devi founded the Himalayan Yoga Institute in 2007. With over 30 years of experience, she continues her teacher's legacy, offering transformative yoga and meditation programs worldwide.
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